
Rat and Mouse Control

Rodents include rats, mice, and bandicoots with commensal rodents being the ones that live with or near a man. Rodents
are considered the No.1 pest by mankind since they are responsible for damage to his food at all stages from a field to his
dining table. On a major note, they are primarily responsible for the transmission of dreaded diseases to man and damage to
his property biting off bags, clothes, cables, and wires which may result in short circuit and fire hazards, and even biting off
humans. The rodent population can grow quickly when they found a suitable place.
Homeowners try to control rodents by cleaning and landscape alteration, but it is not sufficient when rodent infestations are
high. Rodent control or rat control is always a tough and challenging activity. To protect your home and garden from rodent
infestations, professional solutions are needed. As trained professionals, we are not only helping to control current
infestations but also to prevent future infestations. At National Pest Control, we are proud to be on top of the residential pest

control services list. This case is the same also with commercial pest control services. In pest control services for rodents,
we follow effective and efficient treatment to eliminate the rodents.

Rat and Mouse Control: A Comprehensive Guide to Keeping Rodents at Bay


Rats and mice are two of the most common household pests that can wreak havoc in our lives. These tiny creatures may seem harmless, but they can cause significant damage to our homes, contaminate food, and transmit various diseases. In this article, we will explore effective methods for rat and mouse control to help you keep these unwanted guests away from your living spaces.

1. Identifying the Culprits: Differences Between Rats and Mice

Before diving into control measures, it’s essential to differentiate between rats and mice. Understanding their characteristics, behaviors, and habits will enable you to apply the right strategies to deal with them.

1.1 Rats: The Larger Intruders

Rats are bigger than mice and typically measure between 9 to 11 inches in length, excluding the tail. They have thick bodies and long, scaly tails. Common rat species include the Norway rat and the roof rat.

1.2 Mice: The Sneaky Trespassers

On the other hand, mice are much smaller, usually around 3 to 4 inches long, with long, thin tails. The house mouse and the deer mouse are common types of mice found in residential areas.

2. The Perils of Rodent Infestations

Before we delve into control measures, let’s understand why these furry intruders are a cause for concern.

2.1 Property Damage

Both rats and mice have strong teeth that continuously grow, leading them to gnaw on various objects in your home. This can result in damaged furniture, electrical wires, and even structural issues.

2.2 Health Risks

Rats and mice are carriers of numerous diseases that can be transmitted to humans through their droppings, saliva, and urine. Some of the illnesses they can spread include Hantavirus, Salmonellosis, and Leptospirosis.

2.3 Food Contamination

Rodents can contaminate your food storage areas, rendering them unsafe for consumption. Their presence can lead to significant financial losses as you may have to discard contaminated food items.

3. Prevention: Keeping the Intruders Out

The best approach to rat and mouse control is to prevent their entry into your home in the first place. Here are some preventive measures you can take:

3.1 Seal Entry Points

Inspect your home for any gaps, cracks, or holes in the walls, foundation, and windows. Seal these entry points to deny rodents access.

3.2 Proper Food Storage

Store food items in airtight containers and avoid leaving food out in the open. Regularly clean up crumbs and spills to eliminate potential food sources.

3.3 Maintain Cleanliness

Keep your living spaces tidy and clutter-free, as rodents love hiding in cluttered areas.

4. Effective Rat and Mouse Control Methods

If prevention measures fail, you may need to take more direct action to control the rodent population.

4.1 Traps: The Classic Approach

Traditional snap traps and glue boards are effective in catching mice and rats. Place them in areas where rodents are active, but out of reach of children and pets.

4.2 Rodenticides: Use with Caution

Rodenticides can be effective but should be used with extreme caution. Keep them away from children and pets, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

4.3 Natural Repellents

Some natural repellents, such as peppermint oil and mothballs, can deter rodents from entering your home. However, their effectiveness may vary.

5. Seeking Professional Help

If the infestation is severe or the DIY methods prove ineffective, it’s best to seek assistance from pest control professionals.


Rat and mouse control is essential for maintaining a healthy and safe living environment. By identifying the culprits, understanding the dangers of infestations, and implementing preventive and control measures, you can protect your home from these troublesome pests.


  1. Q: Are rats and mice active during the day? A: Rats are usually nocturnal, while mice can be active during the day or night, depending on their species.

  2. Q: Can I use my pet cat to control rodents? A: While some cats may catch mice, they are not a guaranteed solution for infestations. Professional control methods are more reliable.

  3. Q: How do I know if I have a rodent infestation? A: Look for signs like droppings, chewed wires, and gnaw marks on objects to identify a potential rodent problem.

  4. Q: What should I do if I find a dead rat or mouse in my home? A: Use gloves and dispose of the carcass properly. Clean the area thoroughly to prevent disease transmission.

  5. Q: Are ultrasonic pest repellents effective against rats and mice? A: The effectiveness of ultrasonic repellents is still debated, and their results may vary depending on the environment and the severity of infestations.

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